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Why Do You Not Feel Good Enough?

Why Do You Not Feel Good Enough?

Chances are very high if you are reading this and live on this earth with other people that you have had several moments in your life where you felt like you are not good enough. Why does that happen? Why do you not feel good enough?

The reason you do not feel good enough is because you have been living your life from the outside in instead of creating your best life from the inside out. 

You give your power away for the formation of your self-esteem, image, and worth to the external experiences, circumstances, situations, and people in your life when you let them influence you.

The expectations and approval of others dictate how good, satisfied, and happy you feel about the life that you are living, and the choices and decisions that you are making. 

Whenever you feel that you are not living up to these outer expectations then you feel not good enough and less happy about your overall life experience.

So, you may be wondering how to overcome not feeling good enough. Let’s discuss 7 things you can remind yourself and stop feeling not good enough.

7 Things To Remember When Feeling Not Good Enough

The best way to stop feeling not good enough is by working on changing your energy by drenching yourself in gratitude by remembering everything that you are grateful for. 

You can also follow that by finding and serving someone powerfully. In addition, here are seven things for you to remind yourself of when feeling not good enough.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Do not compare yourself to other people because the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Every soul is on their journey and will therefore go through challenges to learn the lessons and grow so that it can fulfill its calling and purpose in a bigger and better way. 

Ultimately all souls are here on the earth to grow and to serve. Always remember comparison is the thief of all joy so instead keep your focus on discovering and fulfilling your purpose before it is too late.

You Create Your Reality

Know that you are 100% responsible for creating your reality and living your very best meaningful and fulfilling life. So, if you are not happy about a certain area of your life then know that you are not helpless and have the power to change it. 

The best way to begin to change it is to adopt an identity, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits that serve you and help you create your desired reality in any area of your life.  

Your Mistakes Do Not Define You

Always remember that it is okay to make mistakes and that they do not define who you are. They help you grow and learn lessons so that you can serve your purpose in a bigger and better way. 

Have self-compassion and forgive yourself and others for all the mistakes that they have made that impacted you and helped you learn something and grow.

You Are Enough

Accept yourself the way you are and know that you are enough and perfect even if you are still working on improving yourself. 

You have been created perfectly and have been given unique gifts to use and develop for the fulfillment of your purpose.

You Deserve To Be Loved

Know that you deserve your unconditional self-love and to be loved by others because you are special. We are all equally special souls who are connected and loved by our creator unconditionally.

Present Moments Matter

Enjoy and be present in every moment that is a gift to you right now. Do not waste your energy on your past regrets, guilt, and your future which is not guaranteed. 

Make it a habit to practice gratitude for every breath, family, loved ones, your intuition which is your loving guidance and your sacred beautiful mind, and everything else that you can think of and change your energy and vibration.

You Matter

Always know that you matter and are worthy or you would not be here right now and be trusted to do your creator’s work.  Your value doesn’t get diminished by all the mistakes and everything that you go through in life.  

You matter just the way you are.  You have been built perfectly with the wisdom and power to fulfill your purpose.

In conclusion, you now know that the reason you do feel not good enough is that you have been living your life from the outside in instead of creating your best life from the inside out. 

You give the power for the formation of your self-esteem, image, and worth to the external experiences, circumstances and situations in your life.

The expectations and approval of others dictate how good, satisfied, and happy you feel about your life and the choices and decisions that you make. 

Whenever you feel that you are not living up to these outer expectations then you feel not good enough and less happy about your overall life.

You also know to remind yourself of the following seven things when you do not feel good enough like to stop comparing yourself to others, you can create your reality, mistakes do not define you, you are enough, you deserve to be loved unconditionally, you matter and your present moments matter.

I hope you found these seven things to remind yourself when not feeling good enough helpful. Please share them with your children and all the other people that you feel need to know about these.

Good mental health is extremely important to live a meaningful and fulfilling best life that you came here to live. Make sure your children know that they can come to you to talk about how they are feeling. 

Share how you are feeling with them regularly so that the topic of mental health is not seen as a taboo subject.

Next, read what to do when you feel unhappy for further helpful tips and insights.

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